South Cranberry Lake

Homeowners Association





2nd Meeting of 2004 July Minutes
South Cranberry Association July 3,2004

The meeting of July 3, 2004 came to order on Saturday at 10:09 am

Members present were 32

Jeff Carter, Vice President opened the meeting with minutes read from Joyce Gleason, Secretary. The minutes were approved by Leo Gleason and accepted by the majority.

I have put the By Laws, Minutes, Guidelines and Building and Use Restrictions on a computer disk available for corrections and additions. I requested help on a website for the Association which was started by Kristin Pavliscak, a concerned member of our Association. She volunteered to set up the site where I will be able to keep our information about the Association up to date. With her assistance we will be able to have more suggestions at the meeting to help get this project up and going. At some time in the future we will be able to mail out our meeting notices and events and comments to those you are interested in being in the association and who give us their e mail address. Of course we will still have mail outs for our non computer members. Thanks to Kristin for her time and effort. I am also working on a donation of a computer for future secretaries of the association.

Treasury report was read by Bonnie Fotte with a balance of $4,712.15 in the general fund. The gypsy moth fund is at $831.18 at this time and we have not had to use our funds with the County spraying.

Expenses for the month were a temporary ceiling repair in the club house. The immediate repair was needed to preserve the building from further damage. The cost of this repair was $225.00 and was completed by Dennis Cross.

There was an expense of $150.00 for grass cutting. A new coffee pot at a cost of $40.00 was bought for the meetings. The treasury report was approved by Connie Dowis and seconded by Doug Evans.

Norm Sanders stated that weed control in the lake was delayed due to weather. He said a 3 inch high cap had broken and they had to repair the cap. We were loosing water from the lake which is fed by 3 natural springs.

New Business

The club house building is in need of a complete repair to half of the roof with plywood and shingles. Mr Gleason had done the front part of the building a few years ago so only the back part needs repair at this time. There will be an estimate of the cost made and given to members at the labor day meeting. Bonnie made a motion the cost of the repair will be from the funds and it was approved by a show of hands. Although all donations to this project will also be appreciated. Mr. Gleason along with volunteers will install shingles and plywood where necessary on September 11th, 2 weeks after Labor Day Weekend. Acknowledging the date of this scheduled job we hope to have an United American participation at this project. Cathy Carter volunteered to be the organizer for the food and beverages for the workers. Many thanks who help on this project.

Other new business a motion to hire Jackie’s nephew to climb the poles and put up flags that were made at a cost of $25.00 for his labor. They are for canal speed This was seconded by majority.

There was short discussion on the condition and appearance of the beach area. We suggested people bring their own garbage bags to the beach and take their items home with them. Also rakes were needed to clean up debris left from the weather. Norm Sanders volunteered to do some beach disking at his convenience. Many thanks to Norm for all his extra labor and equipment. Another expense from our dues that is saved due to his generosity.

Connie Dowis made a motion to increase the yearly dues to $35.00. This was seconded by Dave Gray and voted by a show of hand of the majority of the attendance. This will be written into the Amendment to our By Laws which are
being read today and discussed by members at this meeting.

The By Laws were read and the amendment of each By Law was read and discussed by members in attendance and approved by majority.

Jackie Cross and Bonnie Foote will send a copy of amendment to all associate members in good standing and a vote on the amended By Laws will be made in 30 days at our Labor Day meeting.

New Business continued a gentleman in the front row asking about insurance on the building (I did not get his name). Norm will get some quotes and will have information at next meeting.

It was mentioned that only associate members rent the building but we may still need to have some kind of contract with rental price and signature of responsible party when renting is done, which at present Bonnie Foote has been nice enough to handle for us. She mentioned that there has been no need for contract up to now and clean up as always been good.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Doug Evans and seconded by Connie Dowis. Winner of the 50/50 drawing was Curley who donated the funds back to the association. Many thanks to Curley.